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Soft Frosted Sugar ... Teeth?

Ahh, a day to sleep in! These are the every other Monday's I really look forward to, especially when the weekend was as busy as they usually always are, this last being no different. But wait! What about those four lonely sticks of butter I'd left out the night before? The night before, when I had it all planned out to make better then store bought Soft Frosted Sugar Cookie ... TEETH! Yes, because my cookie cutter came in and I'm a geek like that. It's also been two whole weeks since any Trace Ortho Lab exclusive Goodie Boxes had been delivered, and that was just not going to do, no way.

I've been baking Goodie Box goodies for Trace Ortho Lab clients since Tracie and I met in 2013 and Annie's Eats recipe for Soft Frosted Sugar Cookies is one of my favorites. This receipe is not only easy, it yields a good two dozen cookies, and that's enough for four whole Goodie Boxes of ridiculously yummy cookies! That makes for a Goodie Box no brainer.

Did I mention the molar cookie cutter?! Exactly! There was no time for sleeping in, day off be darned, because we were about to take our Goodie Box service to a whole new level with molar shaped soft frosted sugar cookie goodness! Sleeping in was not about to compare to the soft frosted goodness that is Annie's Eats Soft Frosted Sugar Cookies, although I will admit a nap is sounding awfully tempting.

Check out Annie's recipe here before heading over to Twitter and adding your two cents to the question as to whether or not I should have dipped the roots of these molars in ... RED frosting!!!

Trace Ortho Lab Goodie Box Cookies

Trace Ortho Lab Goodie Boxes. Just another way we're different.

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